On this international yoga day, it is important to understand the real meaning of the word Yoga, in a way that the ancient Rishis of this land have envisaged that to be.
Unfortunately, the word Yoga has taken a majority meaning of a set of physical stretching and straining exercises, breathing exercises – and if one is lucky including a session of meditation. While all those are helpful to reach a state of Yoga, that in itself is not Yoga. Those are paths to be in Yoga!
Then what is the meaning of Yoga? Is it a practice? Is it an approach to reach a goal, or is it a state one gets into and be in?
At one place, Gita says ‘Yoga Karemesu Kaushalam‘ which loosely translates to ‘Yoga is excellence in Action’. But that is more of an outcome of a person who is in Yoga.
Patanjali’s Yogasutra says : ‘Yoga chitthha vrittthi nirodha’ – Which means ‘ Yoga is the cessation of all the changes in one’s mind.’ These ‘changes’ will include thoughts, memories, emotions, ideas, imaginations etc. So in this definition, Yoga means a state where all such changes/occurances in one’s mind is fully removed. If we take that as the definition of Yoga, then immediate question comes up, why would we do that?
Yoga can be better understood as a state where one’s all layers: the body, mind, intellect, the life energy are all truly aligned with one’s true Self – and through that, in complete alignment with the whole universe!
To reach such a state of an alignment at a physical level, one might need the Aasanas – the physical aspect of Yoga; Steps such as Pranayama to align the life energy, with some significant influence on body and mind as well; chanting, prayers or meditation to purify align the mind; the right knowledge and contemplation to align the intellect and ego, as well as rightful and moral actions and practices in life. All these need to come together for one to reach a state of Yoga.
Hence masters like Swami Vivekananda named these aspects into differently named, but interlinked paths such as: Raja Yoga, Bhakthi Yoga, Karma Yoga etc.
Hence it is important on this Yoga day, for us to understand the true meaning of Yoga, have that right goal and work towards through that – in a holistic manner.
Happy Yoga Day!